Improving Public Confidence for Zero Emissions Vehicles by Exploring V2G Capability: Education, Outreach, and Best Practices

House Illustration

For Canada to achieve its aggressive emissions reduction targets, widespread adoption of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) is critical. However, perceived barriers, including high battery costs, issues of range anxiety, and fear of adopting new technology, prevent the widespread adoption of ZEVs. These barriers are even more prevalent when exploring ZEVs' vehicle to grid (V2G) capability. V2G capability allows energy from the onboard battery of the ZEV to be used to provide auxiliary power to buildings or sold back to electric utilities. V2G technology can result in a revenue stream for ZEV owners for providing backup power to the grid, in addition to significantly reducing carbon emissions by offsetting power generation from non-renewable power generators, as well as providing flexible solutions to handle peak demand for electric utilities. Although there is interest in how a ZEV battery could provide power to a home, current and prospective ZEV owners in Canada have little knowledge or exposure to V2G and the pathways from interest to implementation. Many utilities have not yet considered V2G benefits, potential programs and other strategies that would help meet ZEV users' interests, increase the adoption of ZEVs, and complement their own needs - even though utilities will be the most impacted stakeholder from transit electrification. The absence of successful V2G demonstrations in Canada has led to this general unawareness about the subject, and V2G demonstrations are necessary to identify needs and lessons learned for all stakeholders.

This project aims to build awareness, educate and demonstrate the positive attributes of V2G to Canadians in all market segments related to ZEVs, with a specific focus on light-duty ZEV owners and electric utilities. The project will include:

  1. A needs assessment improves the awareness and positive uptake of V2G and ZEV adoption for residential and commercial target users.
  2. Real-world V2G demonstrations to show potential emissions and cost savings. The demonstrations will be filmed and made into a short documentary to highlight the benefits and ease of use of ZEV adoption.
  3. A best practice guide for V2G adoption for electric utilities in Canada will identify innovative V2G programs, financial/environmental benefits, and campaign strategies to increase the positive uptake of ZEVs.

Key project stakeholders

  • Utilities
  • Manufacturers
  • Consumers
  • Municipalities
  • Property Managers
  • Academia
  • Not-for-profit/Non-governmental organizations
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